Label : Sozo Records

Side A
01 - Shepherd (Dave Wright)
02 - You're Something Special (Dave Wright & Jerry Cleveland)
03 - One In A Hundred (Dave Wright)
04 - Made Alive (Dave Wright & Steve Ingram)
Side B
01 - Praise Song (Ira Watson)
02 - I'll Prepare A Place (Daphne Swilling & Steve Ingram)
03 - Highway To Heaven (Stephanie Boosahda & David Stearman)
04 - I'll Be There (Ira Watson)
05 - You Gave Me Life (Ira Watson & Jim Burgdorf)
Producers : Ira Watson, Jerry Cleveland
Arrangers :
Ira Watson - Rhythm & Vocals
Alan Moore - Strings, Horns & Vocals
Norman Harris - "I'll Be There" Strings & Horns
Engineers : Win Kutz - North Hollywood, CA ; Scott Hendricks - Nashville, TN
Technical Assistants : Steve Ford - North Hollywood, CA ; Kjell Lundstrom - Ft. Worth, TX
Remix Engineer : Win Kutz - North Hollywood, CA
Recording Studios : Mama Jo's, North Hollywood, CA ; Bullet, Nashville, TN ; Sonrise, Ft. Worth, TX
Creative Concept : Bob Rouse & Associates
Rhythm :
Drums : Bill Maxwell
Bass : David Minor
Guitar : Hadley Hockensmith & Mike Deasy
Keyboards : Harlan Rogers
Percussion : Alex Acuña - North Hollywood, CA
Brass :
Tenor Sax & Flute : James Skipper
Alto Sax & Flute : Billy Puet
Bari Sax & Flute : Dennis Solee
French Horns : Eberhard Ramm & Tom McAninch
Trumpet : George Tidwell
Trombone : Roger Bissell - Nashville, TN
Strings : Carl Gorodetzky, George Binkley, Dennis Molchan, Walter Schwede, Pamela Vanosdale, Phyllis Hiltz, lennie Haight, Marvin Chantry, Gary Vanosdale, Roy Christensen, John David Boyle, Craig Nelson, Cindy Reynolds, Bobby Taylor - Nashville, TN
Back-Up Vocals : Alan Moore, Judy Rodman, Lori Brooks, Ellen Dockery, Donna Sheridan, Phl Forrest, Jim Ferguson - Nashville, TN
Back-Up Vocals : Ira Watson, Kay Henrickson, Pat Johnson, Margrett Robinson - Dallas, TX
Side A
01 - Shepherd
Strings & Horns Arranged by Alan Moore
Rhythm & Vocals Arranged by Ira Watson
Back-Up Vocals :
Kay Henrickson, Pat Johnson, Magrett Robinson, Ira Watson
02 - You're Something Special
Strings, Horns & Vocals Arranged by Alan Moore
Rhythm Arranged by Ira Watson
Sax Solo :
Dennis Solee
Back-Up Vocals :
Jim Ferguson, Phil Forrest, Alan Moore
03 - One In A Hundred
Strings, Horns & Vocals Arranged by Alan Moore
Rhythm Arranged by Ira Watson
Back-Up Vocals :
Lori Brooks, Ellen Dockery, Judy Rodman
04 - Made Alive
Strings, Horns & Vocals Arranged by Alan Moore
Rhythm Arranged by Ira Watson
Back-Up Vocals :
Lori Brooks, Donna Sheridan, Phil Forrest, Alan Moore
Side B
01 - Praise Song
Horns Arranged by Alan Moore
Vocals & Rhythm Arranged by Ira Watson
Back-Up Vocals :
Kay Henrickson, Pat Johnson, Magrett Robinson
02 - I'll Prepare A Place
Strings, Horns & Vocals Arranged by Alan Moore
Rhythm Arranged by Ira Watson
Back-Up Vocals :
Lori Brooks, Ellen Dockery, Alan Moore
03 - Highway To Heaven
Horns Arranged by Alan Moore
Vocals & Rhythm Arranged by Ira Watson
Sax Solo :
Dennis Solee
Back-Up Vocals :
Kay Henrickson, Pat Johnson, Magrett Robinson, Ira Watson
04 - I'll Be There
Strings & Horns Arranged by Norman Harris
Rhythm & Vocals Arranged by Ira Watson
Harp :
Cindy Reynolds
Back-Up Vocals :
Lori Brooks, Ellen Dockery, Judy Rodman
05 - You Gave Me Life
Strings & Horns Arranged by Alan Moore
Rhythm Arranged by Ira Watson
Vocals Arranged by Alan Moore & Ira Watson
Harp :
Cindy Reynolds
French Horns :
Eberhard Ramm & Tom McAninch
Back-Up Vocals :
Jim Ferguson, Phil Forrest, Alan Moore